Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[LUDWIG IV (1837-1892, from 1877 Grand Duke of Hesse(-Darmstadt) and By Rhine), and his first wife ALICE (1843-1878, daughter of Queen Victoria)]

Unsigned Carte-de-visite Portrait Photograph, by Disdéri of Paris & London, showing them full length, nearly full face, with linked arms, the Hereditary Grand Duke in dress military uniform, his plumed hat by him on a side table, the Hereditary Grand Duchess in an off-the-shoulder dress with a pretty lace overskirt, her braided hair round the top of her head before falling to her shoulders, 3½" x 2½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1875
Stock No:  54832      £225

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[LUIS I (1838-1889, from 1861 King of Portugal), his eldest son CARLOS I (1863-1908, from 1889 King of Portugal, assassinated in 1908) and his wife AMELIA (1864-1951, daughter of Prince Louis Philippe, Count of Paris, his Queen)]

Set of Three Original Vintage Unsigned Photos showing them head and shoulders, each 2¼" x 1½" mounted on card 5" x 3½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1890
Stock No:  41516      £225

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[LUIS I (1838-1889, from 1861 King of Portugal) & his queen MARIA (1847-1911)]

Fine pair of unsigned carte de visite photos by Disderi, showing them both three quarters length, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  23206      £175

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[LUIS I (1838-1889, from 1861 King of Portugal) & his queen MARIA (1847-1911) & their children CARLOS I (1863-1908, succeeded his father but was assassinated) & ALFONSO (1865-1920)]

Fine set of four unsigned carte de visite photos by F.A.Gomes, showing Maria full length in profile, and the King and his two sons are all pictured head and shoulders, full face in an oval, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date,

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  25906      £300

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[LUIS I (1838-1889, from 1861 King of Portugal) & his queen MARIA (1847-1911) & their children CARLOS I (1863-1908, succeeded his father but was assassinated) & ALFONSO (1865-1920)]

Fine unsigned carte de visite photo by de Lieure of Turin, showing the family grouped together, the King is standing behind his wife who has the smallest boy on her knee, the elder is on the lap of another woman, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  23214      £175

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