(1819-1853, Queen of Portugal 1826-1828 and 1834-1853)
Fine Manuscript letter in Portuguese with translation, signed 'The Queen',
to Carlo Luigi Morichini, on his elevation as Cardinal (18th May 1852), beginning with her titles "Dona Maria, By the Grace of God, Queen of Portugal and of the Algarves, of the Nearer and Further Sea, in Africa Lady of Guinea, and of the Conquest, Navigation, and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India etc.", saying that "in the choice of the Holy Father ... he has regard no less to your merit than to the splendour of the Church of God" and "This thought will oblige Me ... to interest Myself in all that will redound to the greater esteem and credit of your person ... May Our Lord keep your Person in His Holy care", 1 side folio, address and embossed wafer seal on conjugate leaf of the Portuguese Foreign Ministry with the Royal Arms, Necessidades Palace, Lisbon, 30th July
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(Princess, 1907-1951, daughter of Queen Victoria's granddaughter Victoria Melita by her second husband Grand Duke Kyrill Vladimirovitch of Russia), and her sister KIRA KIRILLOVNA (Princess, 1909-1967)]
Attractive unsigned Portrait Postcard Photograph, by H. Dänzer of Coburg,
showing them three quarter or half length, full or three quarter face, in white elbow length dresses with broad edgings, Princess Marie seated, Princess Kira standing but reclining affectionately in her sister's lap, published by A. Gimm of Gotha, no place, no date, circa
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(1786-1859, daughter of Tsar Paul I, Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach)
Letter signed 'Marie GD de Russie et de Saxe', to Madame de Miatlew,
in French with translation, thanking her for "the constancy of your remembrance for me ... at each year's renewal" and for sending "the court almanac ... My health is satisfactory, thank God, in spite of the new vexations it has pleased Providence to inflict on my family and me, and in spite of the rigours of winter", with the assurance of her good wishes in return, 1 side 4to, Weimar, 31 January (Russian calendar) 12 February (Western calendar)
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(1854-1920, née Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, wife of Grand Duke Vladimir, 1847-1909, uncle of Nicholas II)]
Fine large Programme of the Gala Performance of 'Rigoletto'
in aid of the work of her Hospital Train, beautifully printed in red, green and gold with art nouveau decorations, and a ribbon in the French national colours, at the Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt, produced by Mme. Bernhardt and Raoul Gunsbourg with "the gracious participation of the Artistes of the Opera of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco", on the cover is a fine representation in colours, by George Scott, dedicated in French to "my dear master , Edouard Detaille, in gratitude", of a standard-bearer in full dress holding a French 'eagle', inside are vignettes of the original creators of 'Rigoletto' in Paris, and of the present artistes of this 'unique performance', including Caruso as the Duke, Renaud as Rigoletto, Lina Cavalieri as Gilda, and Cécile Thévenet as Maddalena, 5 sides 14" x 10½", Paris, 14th April
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(Amalie, Duchess in Bavaria, 1841-1925, youngest sister of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, the last Queen consort of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies)]
Fine unsigned carte-de-visite photo
showing her three quarters length with her hands folded in her lap, 4" x 2½", no place, no date
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