(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)]
Small oval unsigned early carte de visite
showing her head and shoulders in an oval that has been mounted on a card with the Royal crest at the head, 4” x 2½”, no place, no date, circa
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)]
Unsigned Carte-de-visite Photograph
showing her three quarters length in fancy dress costume for the Devonshire Ball, leaning on the back of a chair, 3¾” x 2½”, no place, no date but London, July
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)
Charming Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Gladstone
thanking her “very much indeed for the beautiful nosegay I received last night, it was very kinnd of you to send it to me as I am so very fond of flowers, and they wer o beautiful and fresh. Thanking you even more fo ryour kind thought of me...”, 3 sides 8vo., with decorative coloured heading with her name under a coronet in red, gold and purple, Friday, no date,
some damage at the bottom of the page not effecting the text.
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed on a postcard to Lady Rosslyn,
(mother of ‘Darling Daisy’, [1861-1938, Countess of Warwick, mistress of Edward VII] regretting that she is not “able to accept yr kind invitation for yr Son’s wedding - but will you be so good as to give him the... present from me with every wish for his future happiness - trusting that Lord Rosslyn continues to improve...”, 2 sides postcard with coloured monogram at the head, no place, Monday, no year, probably
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)]
Proof Ticket for admission to Westminster Abbey to her funeral service, with amendments in red ink
the entrance time is to be changed from “at 10.45” to “before 11” and the printer’s names is changed, 1 side 4¾” x 3¾” printed card, 27th November
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