Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assasinated after the Revolution)]

Fine unsigned French postcard photo by L. Levitsky showing the Tsar on a horse, holding a sacred icon before his kneeling soldiers, 5½" x 3½", taken during the Great War, no date, c.

Item Date:  1915
Stock No:  27909      £150

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[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assasinated after the Revolution) and his Empress ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA (1872-1918, the Tsarina)]

American postcard reproduction of a painting of the Tsar and Empress at their coronation, 5½" x 3½", no place, (Moscow), no date,

Item Date:  1896
Stock No:  23702      £125

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[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assassinated after the Revolution) with his future wife ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA (1872-1918, the Tsarina of Nicholas II of Russia)

Exceptional unsigned cabinet photo showing them standing together in outdoor clothes, he is wearing a casual suit and hat and has a walking stick and she has a skirt and jacket with a pillar box hat, no place but Balmoral, no date but slightly trimmed

Item Date:  1896
Stock No:  38443      £1275

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[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assassinated after the Revolution), ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA (1872-1918, the Tsarina) with their daughter OLGA (1895-1918, Grand Duchess)]

Exceptional original unsigned Russian cabinet photo by Levitsky, the Imperial Photographers, showing the young couple three quarters length with the Tsarina holding their infant daugher, the Tsar is wearing uniform and his wife is informally dressed, the baby is wearing a lacy white dress, 6½" x 4¼", no place, but St Petersburg,

Item Date:  1896
Stock No:  38474      £1250

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[NIKOLA I (1841-1921, from 1860 ruler as Prince, from 1910 as King of Montenegro), his Queen MILENA (1847-1923), their sons DANILO(I, 1871-1939), MIRKO (1879-1918) and PETAR (1889-1932), daughters MILITZA (1866-1951), ELENA(1873-1952), ANNA (1874-1971), XENIA (1881-1960) and VERA (1887-1927), grandchildren HELEN (of Serbia, 1884-1962) and ALEXANDER (I, 1888-1934, of Serbia), and their spouses)]

Fine unsigned Group Portrait Postcard, by Rotary of London, showing him seated, three quarter length, full face, in fine Balkan dress, surrounded by his extended family in three rows, 3½" x 5½", with their names (one unnamed) in English below, 18 members in all, no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1910
Stock No:  54396      £150

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