Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assasinated after the Revolution)]

Fine unsigned postcard photo showing the Tsar three quarters length in uniform, the card has a delightful art nouveau border, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date c.

Item Date:  1896
Stock No:  23868      £125

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[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assasinated after the Revolution)

Unusual unsigned postcard photo showing the tsar leaving the church at Tsarskoe Zeloe, walking down the steps surrounded by dignitaries, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1912
Stock No:  40993      £175

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NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assasinated after the Revolution), ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA (1872-1918, the Tsarina) with their children OLGA (1895-1918, Grand Duchess), TATIANA (1897-1918), MARIA (1899-1918), ANASTASIA(1901-1918) & ALEXEI (1904-1918, The Tsarevitch) MARIE (1900-1961, Princess of Rumania and future Queen of Yugoslavia), Prince NICHOLAS(of Rumania, 1903-1978), Princess ILEANA (1909-1991) and Prince MIRCEA (1913-1916)

Later reprint of an original unsigned Group Photo from 1914 used for a Newspaper Obituary annotated on the verso, headed "Russian Revolution Tzar abdicates Mar 15 1917" with the description "A unique picture showing the entire Russian Royal Family and the Rumanian Royal Family a few m[onths] prior to Outbreak of war. (Left to Right) Grand Duchess Anastasia (seated) King Carol of Rumania, Grand Duchess Tatiania of Russia, Princess Marie of Rumania (Queen of Yugo-Slavia) Princ[e] Carol of Rumania (now King) Princess Ileana of Rumania, (now Princess Ileanaof Hapsburg), late King Ferdinand of Rumania, Carmen Sylva, late Queen of Rumania; (seated 2nd from left: Tzarina, Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, Queen Marie of Roumania, Tzar of Russia, Grand D[uchesss] Olga of Russia with her baby, in foreground L to R, Tzare[vitch] & Prince Nicholas of Rumania", showing them all seated and standing, the girls in white dresses and the boys in sailor suits, 8" x 6", Constanta, 14th July

Item Date:  1914
Stock No:  41023      £475

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NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assasinated after the Revolution) with his son ALEXEI (1904-1918, The Tsarevitch) and his first cousin GEORGE V (1865-1936) with his son EDWARD VIII (1894-1972)

Fine original unsigned Rotary group postcard photo the two men with their sons, all dressed in naval uniform, 5½” x 3½”, no place, (Cowes), no date, (August

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42277      £250

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[NIKOLA I (1841-1921, from 1860 ruler as Prince, from 1910 as King of Montenegro), his Queen MILENA (1847-1923), their sons DANILO(I, 1871-1939), MIRKO (1879-1918) and PETAR (1889-1932), daughters MILITZA (1866-1951), ELENA(1873-1952), ANNA (1874-1971), XENIA (1881-1960) and VERA (1887-1927), grandchildren HELEN (of Serbia, 1884-1962) and ALEXANDER (I, 1888-1934, of Serbia), and their spouses)]

Fine unsigned Group Portrait Postcard, by Rotary of London, showing him seated, three quarter length, full face, in fine Balkan dress, surrounded by his extended family in three rows, 3½" x 5½", with their names (one unnamed) in English below, 18 members in all, no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1910
Stock No:  54396      £150

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