Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[WILHELM II (1859-1941, German Emperor 1888-1918)

Charming unsigned postcard photo with a stamped signature showing the ex-kaiser at his home at Doorn, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1934
Stock No:  31926      £95

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[WILHELM II (1859-1941, German Emperor 1888-1918)]

Unsigned cabinet photo by E. Bieber, showing him head and shoulder in profile, wearing military uniform, 4" x 6½", no place,

Item Date:  1893
Stock No:  25851      £185

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[WILHELM II (1859-1941, German Emperor 1888-1918)]

Menu, in German, with translation, for the 'Royal Midday Meal', decorative heading showing the arms of the Emperor and Empress, 1 side 9½" x 6", gilt margins, C. Hacker, Court Lithographer, Berlin, 6th November light original stain

Item Date:  1905
Stock No:  51570      £45

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[WILHELM II (1859-1941, German Emperor 1888-1918) and FRANZ JOSEPH I (1830-1916, from 1848 Emperor of Austria, from 1867 King of Hungary, his attack on Serbia in 1914 started World War I)]

Modern reproduction of the striking photograph showing Wilhelm II riding at the head of Austrian Hussar Regiment No. 7, (Wilhelm II's) past Franz Joseph I who is mounted on the left, during the Spring Parade at Vienna, 15th April 1896, this copy 6¾" x 9½", no date, circa two or three light creases without damage, two nicks at foot from filing

Item Date:  1970
Stock No:  53279      £35

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[WILHELM II (1859-1941, Emperor of Germany)]

Portrait Postcard Photo with printed signature, showing him half length, almost full face, with a strong gaze, in full dress uniform including the Pour le Mérite and the Iron Cross, on the verso is a printed typescript message in German of thanks "for your loyal remembrances" (on what would have been his first wife's 80th birthday), 5½" x 3½", Haus Doorn, 22nd October

Item Date:  1938
Stock No:  56012      £35

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