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[CLIFTON (Robert Bellamy, 1836-1921, F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy at Owen's College, Manchester, 1860-1865, for 50 years Professor of Experimental Philosophy at Oxford and the designer and director of the Clarendon laboratory, 1865-1915)]

Printed Syllabus of the Royal Manchester Institution of two public lectures by Professor Clifton "On Light and Colour", and one "On the Electric Spark", dealing with the theory of the spectrum, the colour of transparent bodies, interference, and the "experimentum crucis" between the wave theory and the emission theory, diffraction and polarization, the third begins with a "brief sketch of ... the discovery of the Induction of Dynamic Electricity", and ends with "the stratification of the spark in rarefied gas", on the conjugate leaf are interesting "Regulations" for various levels of subscription and the introduction of visitors, 2 sides 8¼" x 5¼", 15th - 29th January at 3.p.m., Manchester,

Item Date:  1863
Stock No:  53479      £35

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CLIFTON (Robert Bellamy, 1836-1921, first Head of the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 1865-1915)

Collection of visiting cards, a few signed, given him by eminent or up and coming scientists from the Continent (11), England (2), the U.S.A. (1) and Japan (1), also a ticket signed by Clifton to admit Mrs Clifton to his lectures at the Royal Manchester Institution (1), together 16 cards, with checklist, [at Oxford], circa 1880 -

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  54107      £225

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CLODD (Edward, 1840-1930, Anthropologist and Rationalist)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Larner' saying "I have little to spare for any Extras, so you might like the within 10/- as a sort of widow's mite, to which Ernest adds 2/6", 1 side 8vo., 5 Princes Street, E.C., 6th April

Item Date:  1891
Stock No:  19611      £45

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CLODD (Edward, 1840-1930, Anthropologist and Rationalist)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr BLOOM, with transcription, thanking him for the book "which tells me what I wanted to know" and will keep as suggested, "The reference comes just when I want to use it in a little book on pre-historic man which I am writing. I had a good report of Allen direct, & shall be seeing him soon", Grant ALLEN, (1848-1899, the Canadian Novelist and Writer on Science and Evolution), 2 sides card 3½" x 4½", Savile Club, 107 Piccadilly, 4th October defects in 7 small areas, sense or lettering easily restored (see transcription), signature and rest of text untouched
Savile Club,107, Piccadilly. W.
Dear Mr. Bloom
Many thanks [for] your thoughtful kindness: [the, your] book tells me what I wanted [to] know. I will act on your [offer] to keep it. The reference comes just when I want to use it in a little book on pre-historic man which I am writing. I had [a g]ood report of A[l]len direct, & shall be s[e]eing him soon.
Kind regards to Mrs. Bloom and yourself from
Yours very faithfully
E: Clodd

Item Date:  1894
Stock No:  55896      £45

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CLODD (Edward, 1840-1930, Anthropologist and Rationalist)

Autograph Letter Signed to Sydney A. Gimson, 1860-1938, secretary of the Leicester Secular Society, saying "I am so fagged by overwork that I dread committing myself to any Sunday lecturing", he comes home at weekends "to swallow the bracing air", but suggests 5th December on "the stages of religious evolution which precede all the theologies ... 'When did man become Religious?' ", 2 sides card, Strafford House, Aldeburgh, 4th July

Item Date:  1909
Stock No:  19612      £45

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