(John, 1804-1881, Ornithologist & Publisher)
Fine letter signed to J. H. Hope Edwards
telling him that he trusts "that three or four years at the farthest will bring my work on the 'Birds of Great Britain' to a close; I am in fact looking forward to its being finished before that length of time has elapsed. I sincerely hope you will continue your late son's subscription to this standard work on our native birds ...", he says that if he does he "will be a gainer as the parts you possess will be of little value without the remainder ...", 2 sides 8vo., 26 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, London, 13th January
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(John, 1804-1881, Ornithologist & Publisher)
Fine Letter Signed to W. A. J. Amhurst
saying that "Lord Lilford when here a few days ago told me he will be happy to present to you a fine Cock Ring-necked Pheasant, if you will accept it. Perhaps you will write to him or to me saying how it is to be sent .." giving Lord Lilford's address in Northamptonshire, he continues that he has "been looking out for the other Pheasants you wish for but have not found any ..." and passes on the recommendation that he writes to "Baily is a good person to write to and he thinks may be depended upon ...", 3 sides 8vo., 26 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, 26th April
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(Asa, 1810-1888, American Botanist & Darwinian)
Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Cooke
saying that “his wife and I have in vain endeavoured to call upon the Ferns before our departure and we are very sorry we could not bring it about. We are off this morning for Derbyshire & Killarney, having packed yesterday & despatched today 15 cases, boxed up to Liverpool, a large part of which contains dried plants. Please make our kindest regards to Mrs Cooke and your good sisters, and believe us to remain with most pleasant recollections of such an agreeable acquaintance & friendship as we have been privileged to form...”, 1 side 8vo., Kew, 2nd August
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(William, 1803-1858, from 1844 Professor of Chemistry at Edinburgh University)
Admission Ticket signed
with the details filled in by hand, headed "Practical Chemistry & Pharmacy by William Gregory M.D." addressed to Mr G. J. Gossling, 4½" x 3", Edinburgh, 5th May
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(William, 1803-1858, Professor of Chemistry at Edinburgh from 1844)
Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent,
saying that although he has "no claim to the title of distinguished, beyond that of a sincere love of truth in all departments of knowledge ... I cannot but feel flattered that you should think my autograph worthy of being placed beside those of men who are truly distinguished ...", University of Edinburgh, 30th July
laid down, a little browned
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