(Sir Julian Sorrell, 1887-1975, Zoologist & Philosopher)
Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Henderson
"venturing to send you a copy of my first book, of which I have just had some advance copies sent me (proud moment for a budding author!) ..." , he continues that he does not expect her to read it "but only that you accept it as the only thing I have at present to offer in return for all your kindness to me at West Park - a tangible memento. Also, i discovered on reaching Liverpool that my fountain pen was missing. It is of no particular consequence as it is both old & cheap, but if you should happen to see it lying about, I should be much obliged if you could send it to me here. It is a 'Blackbird' ..." with a postscript that he has also left his address book behind, 3 sides 8vo., 27 Westbourne Square, London, 16th September
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(Sir Julian Sorrell, 1887-1975, Zoologist & Philosopher)
Fine signature on card
4” x 3”, no place, July
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(Thomas Henry, 1825-1895, Biologist)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to J. H. CHAMBERLAIN
(John Henry, 1831-1883, Architect based in Birmingham) saying that “Far be it from me to forget the Birmingham & Midland Institute & the many kind receptions I have met with from its members - but I have had a warning to abstain from all work that can be avoided and I am sorry to say that I must give you the Popes answer ‘Non possumus’...”, 2 side 8vo., 26 Abbey Place, London, NW, 21st July, date not clear but
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(Thomas Henry, 1825-1895, Biologist)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to S. Squire SPRIGGE
(Sir (Samuel) Squire, 1860-1937, Medical Editor and Author) saying that he is “trying to get to the bottom of the many letters which accumulated during my late absences in the Canaries & Madeira. I have just come across the enclosed. I hasten to send it to you as it entirely alters the aspect of Mr Baiters action. I do not remember giving him the privilege to speak in express terms but I should not like to say that my words may have been incapable of that interpretation...”, 3 sides 8vo., 4 Marlborough Place, London, 7th June
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(Thomas Henry, 1825-1895, Biologist)
Fine signature from a cheque,
4” x 1”, with the remains of the bank address, “Salford Bank Ltd” and the date 7th December
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