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PAGET (Sir James, 1814-1899, Surgeon, surgeon extraordinary to Queen Victoria)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) thanking him for an invitation and saying the the time "will be quite convenient to me ...", 1 side 8vo, 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, 8th May

Item Date:  1874
Stock No:  39202      £65

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PAGET (Sir James, 1814-1899, Surgeon, surgeon extraordinary to Queen Victoria)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) thanking him for "giving me your excellent paper on 'Functional Diseases' and for supplying me with so clear reasons for the belief which I ventured to express at the Pathological Society when speaking on that & some similar subjecte …", 1 side 8vo., 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, 4th February

Item Date:  1887
Stock No:  39203      £175

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PAGET (Sir George Edward, 1809-1892, Physician & Professor at Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr GOODHART (Sir James Frederic, 1845-1916, Physician at Guy's Hospital) regretting that "I shall be unable to attend on Tuesday Feb 3 the meeting of the Pitman Portrait Committee as I have an engagement here the same afternoon. I shall feel obliged by your directing the list of subscriptions to be sent to me ...", 2 sides 8vo., Cambridge, 27th January

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  39200      £35

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PAGET (Sir James, 1814-1899, Surgeon, surgeon extraordinary to Queen Victoria)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) saying he is "much obliged to you for your paper on Vital Diagnosis and am glad that you so strongly maintain the utility of the custom which some French Writer described by saying that the French Physicians study the disease, English study the patien …"
1 side 8vo., 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, 11th February

Item Date:  1889
Stock No:  39204      £175

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PAGET (Sir George Edward, 1809-1892, Physician & Professor at Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to "Dear Sir James" ALDERTON (1794-1882, Physician Extraordinary to the Queen, President of the Royal College of Physicians) saying that "yesterday I wrote to you as President of the College of Physicians to request the favour of the use of one of the College rooms for a meeting of the Medical Council on April 28. When I wrote I was not aware of the 28th being the day of the quarterly Comitia Majora Ordinaria. This of course renders it impossible for the College to spare its room. Will you therefore, if you please, consider my letter of yesterday withdrawn ...", 3 sides 8vo., Cambridge, 17thApril

Item Date:  1870
Stock No:  39201      £55

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