(Augustus, 1878-1961, Painter)
Brief Autograph Letter signed to Sydney Giles
saying that he has “no desire for interviews and so will not be able to make an appointment...”, 1 side 8vo., with original typed envelope, Fryern Court, Hants, 30th May
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(Augustus, 1878-1961, Painter)
Fine Autograph Letter signed to Lady Anderson
saying that he "was held down here by the effects of flu but will be back in Tite St this week ... I hope you are quite recovered and will be able to come round ... I shall get on with the Spanish muchachas I hope. I did one of the Alba girl but want to do another. I found her very sweet and sympatico. I do not know their styles & titles so don't know how to write to or ring them personally for sittings. I have the Horizons waiting for me in London. You must realise they will need drastic revision ...", 1 side 8vo., Fryern Court, Hants, 8th January
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(Augustus, 1878-1961, Painter)
Coloured caricature from the John Players series of 50 entitled "Straight Line Caricatures", signed,
with a small biography printed on the verso, 2¾" x 1¼", no place, circa
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(Augustus, 1878-1961, Painter)
Fine Autograph Letter signed to "Dear Jim"
saying that "it's a long time since you wrote and sent me that fine drawing. What must you think of me? I have it is true been laid up in hospital ... for a long spell after an operation. They removed a Stone from my inside which, after years was becoming a great nuisance and upsetting me a lot. The Op. was a great success, and I am now convalescing and Dode & I are just about to move to the South of Spain to Malaga where I am told sun is guaranteed. It has been a frightful year here. Please don't think I didn't appreciate your kindness in sending me the splendid cat. It is drawn with the spirit of a calligraphic Chinese Masterpiece! I hear often from Poppet, and Pol also has written. His work from what I have seen, shows real sensibility and appears to improve all the time. He is to have a show in London in the Spring. I too, hope to get busy in the south after so long a break. It may take some time to find a suitable place but we are first at a village on the sea ... Well, my dear Jim, we leave tomorrow for London ... Thank you again for your letter and the Cat! ...", 2 sides 8vo., Fryern Court, Hants headed paper, 12th December
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(George, 1786-1869, Painter)
Fine signature
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