D'INDY (Vincent, 1851-1931, French Composer)

Autograph Letter Signed in French with translation, to an unnamed correspondent telling him that he is "by order of the Faculty, immobilised in my room (!) for 2 or 3 days, which is very annoying ... I am relying on you to take the Orchestral Class today when they are due to read through a work by Mlle. de Marcillac, with Mlle. Ménage singing. Have a look also at the choruses" in case his correspondent has to conduct "the concert on Friday ... Tell Le Fleau to inform my Wednesday pupils in the IIIrd and IVth years that I cannot take them tomorrow", cancelling a dinner engagement, "have a little look at the things Raynaud is doing, which are worrying me. Lastly, I am rather relying on you to look after the Schola for the next 2 days, when the School will be without its Director, its Secretary-General and its book-keeper!", 2 sides 8vo. with conjugate blank on mourning paper, no place, no date, c.

D'Indy was the pupil, friend, helper and biographer of César Franck, (1822-1890), and created the Paris Schola Cantorum as a complete music school to further Franck's ideals.

Item Date:  1900

Stock No:  14050      £225

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