ALICE (Maud Mary, 1843-1878, Princess, Daughter of Queen Victoria, wife of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse & mother of Alexandra Feodorovna Empress of Russia)

Fine long Autograph Letter Signed in French with translation, to her governess Mme. Rollande ('Rollet'), sending her "A thousand thanks for the dear letter I received two or three days ago. I ... never forget what I owe to you ... my time has been very full getting ready for yesterday the 10th, dear Papa and Mama's wedding anniversary, and as three of us were away we tried to do all we could to make our dear Parents forget that some of us were absent. I made them a drawing to go with Schiller's fine piece 'The Bell' which I learnt ... We also played a quintett together, Helena, Louise and myself on the piano, Arthur on the drum, and Leopold on the triangle ... In the evening there was a big concert in St. George's Hall ... I have not put your request myself to Grandmama", The Duchess of Kent, "as I do not believe she likes these questions coming from me, but if you write to Sir George Cowper I am sure she will be only too happy to do it ... All my letters to you are written by me alone and I am sure I make plenty of mistakes, but I beg you not to let anyone see them. The Archbishop was here the day before yesterday and came to see us with Papa and the Dean, but I have not passed my examination probably not until we go back to London after our return from Osborne in March; I hope I will answer well but I am sure I will make a lot of mistakes. - We keep getting excellent news of our dear Vicky and her little son", the future Kaiser Wilhelm II, "As the post leaves for Rome tomorrow morning and as we can only write by messenger to Bertie", the Prince of Wales, who was visiting Italy and Spain, "once a fortnight and it is already late I will say goodbye with ... a thousand affectionate wishes. Always your grateful and devoted pupil", 8 sides 8vo with embossed edges and a wavy frame of red and green, Windsor Castle, 11th February

With Vicky married and Bertie away, organising family celebrations fell on Alice, now nearly 16. She nursed Prince Albert in his last illness, the soldiers in Germany in the wars of 1866 and 1870, and her own husband and daughters in 1878 before succumbing to diphtheria.

Item Date:  1859

Stock No:  14306      £750

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