MASHAM (Samuel, 1679-1758, Cofferer of the Household to Queen Anne, from 1712 1st Baron)

Fine receipt signed 'Masham' to Thomas Onslow, (1679-1740, from 1718 2nd Baron), "one of the four Tellers of His Ma[jes]t[ie]s Rec[eip]t of Excheq[ue]r" for £49 15s 0¾d, "in further parte of an Order bearing date 14 Augt. 1714 for 30,000 l. ... towards paying off the Expence of her late Ma[jes]t[ie]s Household", contemporary calculations relating to the amount received at bottom right, title on fourth side, 1 side folio and conjugate leaf, no place, 21st June cancel stroke on fourth side, defect in top right margins and light damp mark on four letters without loss

In 1707 Samuel Masham married Abigail Hill, cousin of the Duchess of Marlborough, and woman of the bedchamber to Queen Anne. Mrs. Masham steadily increased her ascendancy over the Queen, replacing the Duchess as Keeper of the Privy Purse in 1711 and causing the dismissal of Lord Oxford as Lord High Treasurer in 1714, shortly before the Queen's death.

Item Date:  1723

Stock No:  14615      £225

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