PARSONS (Louella O., 1881-1972, Movie Reporter for Hearst Syndicate Newspapers)

Typed Letter signed to Miss Rosa Pixton, saying she is "sorry that she cannot advise about your letter to Mr. Thalberg", Irving G. THALBERG, 1899-1936, which had been returned, "He is at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Cal. ... I do not understand the reason. You might try again" (17th January 1934), with a Typed Letter Signed from Miss Pixton to the Library of Congress, asking "whether title 'More Fact than Fiction' is copyrighted, and if not, the fee for securing copyright of same" (25th April 1935), bearing typescript answer 'Titles are not copyrighted. see cir[cular] 19-B', together 2 sides folio, Universal Service Inc., Motion Picture Department and 57 Como Avenue, Daly City, California, 17th January 1934 and 25th April laid down on two sides of card, the first with light panelled browning

With an interesting biographical note describing Louella Parsons' rise to fame as 'The Gay Illiterate' gossip columnist, and a story suggesting that Hearst bought her silence over a yachting party accident involving Charlie Chaplin.

Item Date:  1935

Stock No:  15181      £55

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