GEORGE IV (1762-1830, King of Great Britain)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed as Prince Regent to the Earl of Thanet (Sackville TUFTON, 9th Earl, 1767-1825), sending the letter with "our friend Arthur" who is "going to dine with you ..." assuring him that "though it is thought proper by many of our mutual friends that I should not come & see you in your present habitation ..." (the Tower) "it is the cause of most serious regret & mortification to me, as I trust that you do believe that there is no one who entertains a more sincere, & may I add a more affectionate regard for you than myself. If ever I can even in the most distant way, be of the smallest service to you I entreat that you will consider it as the conferring a favor upon me ...", 2 sides 4to., Carlton House, 17th November tears on folds repaired

The Earl of Thanet has been imprisoned in the Tower for attempting to facilitate the escape of Arthur O'Connor during his trial at Maidstone in 1798, at which Thanet was present in company with other notable Whig sympathisers including Fox, Sheridan and George IV's celebrated friend Moira.
Arthur O'Connor, an Irish rebel, whose well know connection with the 'Press' the organ of the United Irishmen, rendered him very obnoxious to the English Government, was being tried for seditious libel. George IV was very interested in Ireland. He had received an offer of free powers from the Irish Parliament and in 1797 had demanded the Vice-Royalty of Ireland.

Item Date:  1799

Stock No:  15715      £950

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