FARJEON (Joseph Jefferson, 1883-1955, Detective Novelist and Playwright)

Autograph picture postcard signed to Eileen Cond, saying "I am sure my sister", the writer Eleanor Farjeon, 1881-1965, "will be glad to autograph your books" and giving her address in Hampstead, "My own 'book news' is that 'Rona Runs Away' has sold 20,000 in its first month and my next for Collins is their selection for March ... This sounds horribly conceited - and I think it is!", with on verso a coloured view of Ovingdean Steps near Brighton, Ditchling, Sussex, 5th January

Farjeon was an editor for Amalgamated Press, 1910-1920, and, besides his books, contributed to many journals, including 'Punch' as 'Smith Minor'.

Item Date:  1946

Stock No:  17138      £20

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