MANDUELL (John, b. 1928, South African Composer, first Principal of the Royal Northern College of Music)

3 Typed Letter Signed to Miss M.L. Whichello and Mr J.R. Wood of the Cheltenham Gramophone Society, about talking to the society, he rearranges a meeting of the Cheltenham Festival Committee (of which he is programme director) to allow his visits to coincide, and suggesting titles, "Be assured that I have no intention of including much deterrent material", 3 sides folio, headed paper of Royal Northern College of Music and Cheltenham Festival, 7th March -14th May

Manduell coordinated the plans of the new BBC Music Programme in 1964. On the back of the first letter is Wood's carbon copy of 9th May 1974, explaining that a recent talk had consisted "almost entirely of the more uncompromising pieces played at Cheltenham Festivals"!

Item Date:  1974

Stock No:  17905      £30

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