GROTE (George, 1794-1871, M.P. for the City of London 1832-1841, Philosophical Radical, Historian and Politician)

Autograph Letter Signed to John Barrett, telling him that he has decided to "put a man into the farm at Bennington, to manage it for the time on my own account. It is plain to me, from the conduct of Bland, laming etc that no good tenant will look at it as it now stands. If I let it now I shall be driven to accept a bad tenant and a poor rent, so that my farm will permanently degrade ... This will be vexatious and costly for the moment, but it seems to me the only way for saving my farm ... I have engaged with a Scotchman named Bower, well recommended & of much experience ... I should be glad to hear from you how I ought to deal with Mrs Miller. Of course I shall be, as the case now stands, not only Landlord but also in-coming tenant. It will be necessary for me to put Bower in soon upon the land. I cannot wait till March 25th ... How stands the law & the custom on this point? Is not an outgoing tenant bound to let an incomer get upon the land in time for the year's cultivation? Will Mrs Miller be entitled to hinder me from doing this ... Am I entitled to have the accommodation of the farm buildings to put my implements & horses in? ... How soon shall I be entitled to put Bower on the land with means of working it? ... I have not replied to you about Robert Miller's wish for the meadow, because I reserved that point until I came down, and could fully consider whether the other farm would be impaired as an occupancy by the abstraction of this meadow ...", 4 sides 8vo., 12 Saville Row, 25th December

Besides his famous History of Greece, Grote was Vice-Chancellor of London University (1862) and President of University College London (1868).

Item Date:  1852

Stock No:  18595      £45

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