THE FRENCH ARMY IN NORTH ITALY ANON (apparently a French army officer in the French Revolutionary period or during the Peace of Amiens)

Interesting Autograph Letter, in French with translation, subscribed but not signed, to "Your Eminence", apparently from a servant of "poor L'ascasas" who "is no more, his illness was most extraordinary, he could not control it" in spite of taking "the waters at Valdagno [North West of Vicenza] and rode out here and there for several days", her husband sent the packet to him at Tressino [Trissino] "by a mounted orderly ... His will states that all the trinkets are to go to his wife" and details the provision for his heir aged 9, for a natural son in Italy, and "in England, for the education of a lad who is not his son, up to the age of 24 ... 14 Prussian florins a month ... I have not yet bought the two books as they promised me them '[in Italian] in sheets, not bound'. I will take care of everything when the nobility come back from their Willagiature [sic, country houses]. Vallis' baggage came through here to go to the Army of the Rhine by way of the Tyrol. He ... will go through Linz ... to see his wife" and perhaps to Vienna, "The new Commanding Officer is already established at Padua. No one believes any more that there will be war", 3 sides 8vo., no place. (probably Vicenza), 9th November n.y., c.

From the Bibliotheca Lindesiana, no. 2378. Vicenza is at the great crossroads South of the Alps.

Item Date:  1800

Stock No:  19151      £250

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