PETITION ON FEUDAL RENTS AND POLL TAX DUVAL (Paul, tenant farmer of La Basse Cour de Moulins, parish of St. Rémy du Plain, Maine)

Petition Signed, in French with translation or summary in English, to the Seneschal of Maine "or to the Lieutenant General in the Seneschalcy and President's Seat of Justice of Le Mans", signed also by his barrister Louis Brizbare, saying that the land depends on the "Abbaye de la Couture", and that "he had been appointed commissary of Maître Pierre Menaut, Steward Sequestrator of ... the temporals of the said Abbey vacant by the decease of Monsieur de Chamilly, to the extent of half the fruit and grain planted on the said land by the late Paul Foullard and Catherine Adam his wife", but that the local poll-tax collectors for 1705 had laid claim on it for the part planted by Foullard, the Petitioner has harvested, threshed and winnowed the said grain, but as he still has to face the loss of half, to be discharged from his commission, and to recover all his expenses including "travel, attendance and threshing", he petitions to be allowed to auction the grain "on a feast day or Sunday in the Cemetery at the end of Vespers at the parish church ... before the senior royal notary", the appropriate signed orders follow, stamp at head with the arms of Le Mans, 4 sides 4to., Le Mans, no date. and 16th-24th July slight fading on final page

The orders appoint Maitre Guillaume le Riche to oversee the auction (signed by Lahureau, fee 2s.), inform Menaut it will go ahead, whether or not he attends (signed by Jean Fouché, "1st huissier of audience at the King's Bench of Water and Forest for Maine", fee paid 8s. 6d.) and a similar notice to Ambroise Faudorre, widow Catherine Adam, his wife, and poll-tax collectors Louis Boucher, Clément Bedouin, Clément Guillereaux, Jean Butet and Mathurin Quelquejeu, (signed by Jean Foussenon, Royal Sergeant of the Seneschalcy, fee paid 17s.). With further signatures by the registrars.
The Abbey's unusual name comes from 'de cultura Dei', rather than high fashion.

Item Date:  1706

Stock No:  19494      £325

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