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(Michele, Lawyer, Councillor and Judge in the Kingdom of Naples)
Fascinating Archive of the Documents appointing him to Public Posts
over 27 years, signed by the ministers of successive governments and others under Kings Joseph Napoleon, Joachim Murat, Ferdinand IV restored, Francesco I and Ferdinand II, most consisting of the Royal Decree with printed or woodcut heading and a covering letter or 'charge' signed by the same minister or his deputy,
3 remarkable broadsides of Judges' Appointments during 1808, other documents relate to his work as Councillor for Naples District, the hospitals, the Conservatoio di Costantinopoli, and poor relief, many fine watermarks, 43 sides large folio, folio and quarto, plus conjugate leaves, Naples, Portici or Caserta, 1807 -
in generally crisp condition, a few tiny defects
With signatures of Justice Ministers Michelangelo Cianculli (1734-1819) (see also II below), and Marchese Tommasi, who was instrumental in Ferdinand IV & I's accepting the constitution of 1820. Among other signatures are Comme. Pignatelli (1807), Interior Minister A.S. Muri (1808), Navy Minister Diego Naselli (1818), and President of the Grand Civil Court Comme. Gaetano Davacci (1834).
I. Appointment as appeal judge in Altamura (14th November 1808, but see II), civil judge in S. Maria (1822), member of advocates' Disciplinary Chamber (1822), civil judge in Naples (1824), court vice-president (1826), judge of the civil grand court (1828), supply and vacation judge (1834).
II. 3 Broadsheets of Judges' Appointments (1808).
Murat entered Naples on 16th September 1808; on 22nd October he introduced the
French Civil Code
('Code Napoléon') and the whole judicial system was
replaced in the space of a few weeks.
The broadsheets of 11th and 14th November 1808 list the new Appeal Courts, Criminal Courts and Courts of First Instance throughout the mainland - Sicily remained in Bourbon hands - with their Presidents, Judges, King's Proctors and Chancellors, 332 names in all.
The remarkable third broadsheet of 5th December 1808 shows that
three quarters of the Appeal Judges
outside Naples and one quarter of the Ordinary Judges (including d'Ambrosio) are
to be replaced
. (There is little change in Naples itself). Cianculli, the veteran Minister of Justice, had hoped to persuade Murat to compromise over the French Code's ample provision for Divorce, but the King was inflexible and these resignations were the result. It was 14 years before d'Ambrosio again became a judge.
III. Councillor, District of Naples, 1808-1813, Decurione after the Bourbon Restoration, 1815, with notices of meetings and main topics.
The first has Joseph Napoleon's decree with
fine woodcut arms of Naples,
the letters signed by the Intendant of Naples Province, Raimondo di Gennaro. Later ones are signed by the intendant (di Gennaro, Macedonio) or his deputy, those of 1815 by Marchese Tommasi and the Principe di Belvedere.
With interesting summaries of forthcoming meetings. Di Gennaro (11th September 1808) refers to Murat as 'father of the country' and to the kingdom as 'la gran famiglia'. Some meetings are fixed for such and such an hour, 'French time'.
IV. Appointment (1819) to the Naples Council for Hospitals, file copy of letter of resignation (1828), letter of acceptance (1829).
V. Appointments as a Governor (1807) and Administrator (1810) of the Conservatoio (college) di Costantinopoli at Naples.
VI. Member of the Poor Relief committee for the Parish of La Rotonda, Naples, 17th November 1808. The royal decree, section 9, excludes from help those who refuse to have their children
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