QUINCÉ (Joachim, Count of Quincé, also of the Holy Roman Empire, French General)

Autograph letter signed, in French with translation, to Monsieur Marquadet, "citizen of Paris at the Golden Lion opposite the Quai des Vieux Augustins near the Bronze Horse", saying he hopes soon at Court to meet "His Eminence", Cardinal Mazarin, Louis XIV's chief minister, "and offer my services for the glorious journey" (to the Pyrenees), Mazarin has already "told Marshal Villeroi", (1598-1685, the king's former governor) "that he would be delighted to see me ... as you know the end of the whole matter is to be the King's marriage", accordingly he asks Marquadet to send him 12 out of the 16 dinner sets he is looking after for him, to advise "your son-in-law to send me my little service in the manner of honest folk", to unwrap a package and pick out six livery jackets ('casaques') "and a small one for a page", which the bearer "the Captain of my garrison at Narbonne" will take, the dinner services should weigh 210 pounds with carriage at 2 sous a pound, finally sending his "infinite thanks for having given shelter to my hoard of belongings", with much underlining of the detailed instructions, 3 sides small folio, address and notes on 4th side, Orléans, 30th June

The expedition paved the way for the famous Treaty of the Pyrenees (November 1659), on an island in the Bidassoa on the frontier, and Louis XIV's marriage to his cousin Maria Teresa, daughter of Philip IV of Spain.

Item Date:  1659

Stock No:  25662      £350

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