SELBY (Charles, 1802?-1863, Actor & Dramatist)

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent, trying to sort out a muddle over bookings, he explains that he had just heard from Mr WEBSTER (Benjamin Nottingham, 1797-1882, Actor, Dramatist, Manager of the Adelphi Theatre), "warning me that I should be required to report ... the 21st Sept to commence work on Monday the 26th - This I communicated to our company ... the matter stands thus, believing, from the silence of Mr Webster, and a report I heard at Bradford from a member of the Adelphi Company that the Adelphi would close on the 29th Sept to finish the season, that I should not be wanted ... I thought I could without danger go on to Edinboro with the company ... I find I am wanted and consternation is in our comp. I am in all the pieces, and if I run away the engagement cannot be fulfilled - voila! ...", he begs that he may be sent the part to Scotland and excused the rehearsals, 5 sides 8vo., the last side being crosswritten, 12 Northumberland St, Newcastle on Tyne, 15th September

Item Date:  1853

Stock No:  3049      £50

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