LEFEBVRE (François-Joseph, 755-1820, Marshal of France, Duke of Danzig)

Important clerk written Document signed, relaying a detailed set of instructions from General Kléber as to the logistics involved in transporting the Army of Sambre and Meuse across the Rhine,
2 sides folio, Headquarters at Rumelen, 17 fructidor III (3 September

The document relates in meticulous detail the order in which the army must cross in order to get the maximum number of men over in the minimum amount of time. The order of crossing is indicated, with the grenadiers, a company of sappers and their equipment and as many calvary as possible going first to protect the disembarkation point. Kleber states that between three and four thousand men can be transported at one time. He urges caution, however, and suggests that experienced boatmen will be required to avoid possible loss of troops.
The army of Sambre and Meuse fought a brilliant rear-guard action at the bridge of Neuwied the following month.

Item Date:  1795

Stock No:  33063      £575

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