ELIZABETH PETROVNA (1709-1762, Empress of Russia from 1741)

Fine decree document, in Russian with translation, signed 'Elisavet' to her Court Office, saying she has appointed "Katerina, daughter of State Councillor Aleksyei Karadochev, to be our Maid-of-honour", and asking them to enrol her "in the Court establishment, her salary to be in proportion to our other Maids-of-honour", 1 side folio, the document prepared on the 1st January 1742 but not signed till Moscow, 28th October (Transcription)
1 Ukaz nashei pridvornoi kantorye
2 Vsemi[lo]stivienshe pozhalovali my nashego
3 statikogo sovietnika Aleksyeya Kara-
4 dochevo Katerinu nasheu Freilinoi, kotoruyu
5 povetvaem vpisat vpridvornoi shtat
6 a zhalovane ei protiv drugikh nashikh
7 Freilen Vdat snachala sego 1742 godu;
8 [Signed] Elisavet
[In another hand]
9 [Vd.] 28oe oktyabrya 1742
10 bMoskvye
[At foot]
11 poluchen oktabru 29: den
12 1742 godu

Ukase to Our Court Office. Most Dear Sir: We have appointed Katerina,
[daughter] of State Councillor Aleksyei Karadochev, to be our Maid-
of-honour, whom I ask you to enter in the Court establishment, her salary
to be in proportion to our other Maids-of-honour. Dated this 1st day of
[January] 1742.
[Signed] Elisavet
[In another hand]
[Dated] 28th October 1742, Moscow.
[At foot]Received 29th October 1742.

Elizabeth Petrovna, the younger daughter of Peter the Great, came to power in a military coup which ousted the infant Ivan VI. She created a brilliant court and superintended a renaissance of Russian arts. She founded the University of Moscow and the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg and built the Winter Palace. She made war with Sweden, 1741-43, which came to a successful conclusion with the Treaty of Abö and plunged Russia into the Seven Year's War (1756-63), motivated by dislike of Frederick II, the Great. At the beginning of her reign, Elizabeth was quick to remove German influence in the Council and at Court. Curiously, however, in spite of her many talents, documents often remained unsigned, as here, for many months.
Examples of her autograph are exceptionally rare.

Item Date:  1742

Stock No:  38096      £3750

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