PAUL I (1754-1801, Emperor of Russia from 1796)

Fine decree document, in Russian with translation signed 'Pavel I[mperator]', in an attractive hand, addressed to Marshal of the Imperial Court Count TIESENHAUSEN, (Hans Heinrich, in Russian Ivan Andreevich, 1731-1815, Estonian noble), saying that Paul, "having been most graciously pleased to appoint the Nobleman Orlov to the Cultivation Assessors, We command that he be responsible to the Court Intendant at the Supervision of Our Palace Gardens", 1 side folio, St Petersburg, 24t March (Transcription)
1 Gospodin Gofmarshal Graf Tizen-
2 gauzen. Dvoryanina Orlova vsemilostivyeisho
3 pozhalovav v Kallezhenie Assessory, povelye-
4 vaem byt emu v vyedenii Gof-intendant-
5 skoi u smotreniya dvortsovykh Nashikh sa-
6 dov. Prebyvaem vprochem vam blagosklonny
7 [Signed] Pavel I[mperator]
8 V S[ankt]p[eter]burgye
9 marta 24.
10 1798. goda

Marshal of the Imperial Court Count Tiesenhausen. Having been most graciously pleased to appoint the Nobleman Orlov to the Cultivation Assessors We command that he be responsible to the Court Intendant at the Supervision of Our Palace Gardens. Holding you in our continual favour, [Signed] Paul [Imperator]
St Petersburg, 24th March 1798

Catherine the Great's second son succeeded his mother in 1796. His father and brother's murder together with his mother's neglect had exerted a baneful influence on his character and his earliest measures were the exile of the murderers and the pardon of Polish prisoners, but he soon revealed his violent temper and lack of capacity, irritating his subjects by vexatious regulations. He suddenly declared for the allies against France and sent an army of 56,000 men under Suvorov into Italy. He sent a second army to co-operate with the Austrians, retired from the Alliance, quarrelled with England and entered into a close alliance with Napoleon . After his convention with Sweden and Denmark, England send a fleet into the Baltic under Nelson to dissolve the coalition (1801). His own officers compelled Paul to abdicate, and he was strangled.

Item Date:  1798

Stock No:  38105      £2250

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