NICHOLAS I (1796-1855, Emperor of Russia from 1825)

Fine decree document, in Russian with transcription and translation signed 'Nikolai' addressed to the Chapter of Russian Imperial and Royal Orders, saying that "In recognition of the diligent and zealous services of Member of the Department of Crown Domains, Councillor of State Kharlamp Yashchenko, We have most graciously awarded him the insignia of the Order of St Anne, second class, with the ornament of the Imperial Crown", and commanding the Chapter to send him "these insignia and likewise the document", countersigned and dated by General Adjutant Prince Volkonsky, (probably Pyotr Mikhailovich, 1776-1852), received by the Chapter on 2nd January, the document 1 side folio, St Petersburg, 1st January neat remains of guard in left hand margin

The third son of Paul I, Nicholas I succeeded to the throne on the death of his elder brother Alexander I, and suppressed a military conspiracy with vigour and cruelty. After a brief outburst of reforming zeal he reverted to the ancient policy of the Tsars - absolute despotism supported by military power. Wars with Persia and Turkey increased Russia's territories. The movement of 1830 in the west of Europe was followed by a Polish rising, which was suppressed after nine months, and Nicholas, converting Poland into a Russian province, strove to extinguish the Polish nationality. In Russia intellectual activity was kept under official guidance. The tsar's Panslavism also prompted him to Russianise all the inhabitants of the Empire and to convert Roman Catholics and Protestants to the Russian Greek church. During the political storm of 1848-49 he assisted the Emperor of Austria in quelling the Hungarian insurrection and tightened the alliance with Prussia. The re-establishment of the French Empire confirmed these alliances and Nicholas decided that the time had come for absorbing Turkey, but the opposition of Britain and France brought on the Crimean War, during which he died.

1 Ukaz Kapitulu Rossiiskikh Imperator-
2 skikh i Tsarskikh Ordenov
3 Chlenu Departamenta Udyelov Stat-
4 skomu Sovyetniku Kharlampiyu Yashchenkye, v
5 nagradu za userdnuyu i revnostnuyu ei sluzhbu,
6 Vsemilostivyeishe pozhalovali My znak
7 Ordena Svatoi Anny vtoroi stepeni, ukra-
8 shennyi Imperatorskoyu Koronoyu, Pove-
9 levaya Kapitulu dostavit emy sei
10 znak i vydat na onyi gramotu.
11 [Signed] Nikolai
12 General adyutant Knyaz Volkonskii
13 v S. Peterburgye
14 1 Genvara 1832
[In another hand]
Poluch. 2 Genvara 1832

In recognition of the diligent and zealous services of Member of the Department of Crown Domains, Councillor of State Kharlamp Yashchenko, We have most graciously awarded him the insignia of the Order of St Anne, second class, with the ornament of the Imperial Crown, commanding the Chapter to send him these insignia and likewise the document.
[Signed] Nicholas
General Adjutant Prince Volkonsky
St Petersburg, 1st January 1832.
[In another hand]
Received 2nd January 1832.

Item Date:  1832

Stock No:  38107      £2250

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