PHILIP II (1527-1598, King of Spain, Husband of Mary Tudor)

Fine Letter Signed 'Yo el Rey' to 'Miguel, Regent of the Chancellery of our Kingdom', (Miquel CORDELLES, from 1st January 1582 Regent of the Chancellery of the Principality of Catalunya and the Counties of Rosselló and Cerdanya), in Spanish with transcription and translation, saying "We have examined here the information you sent us and that which our Lieutenant General remitted concerning Domingo Alenyá, minister in your office, and accordingly we have commanded the Lieutenant General", Diego Talayero, "to write appropriately", it is understood that Cordelles is "keeping in touch as necessary" with Talayero, and the King charges him "to continue to do so and act ... as you are accustomed, with which We shall be well served", countersigned (on arrival in Barcelona) by Talayero as Lieutenant General to the Protonotary, (Jeroni Climent), as 'seen' by Comes (treasurer general and a regent), and by three other regents Sopena, Campi and Terça, address in Spanish and short note in Portuguese of content on verso, traces of seal on verso, the text 1 side folio, Lisbon, 2nd January small piece missing at the seal not affecting the text

On the failure of the Portuguese dynasty in 1580, Philip II, a grandson of Manuel I, was the most powerful of the claimants. After the defeat of his nearest rival at the battle of Alcantara, he became master of the country and was crowned on the 25th March 1581.
Miquel Cordelles, Diego Talayero and the other signers served under the Council of Aragon, set up by James I in the 13th century. It had representatives and departments for its three main divisions of Aragon, Catalunya and the Balearic Islands. The Chancellery corresponded with foreign sovereigns and internally with the king, ecclesiastics and nobles. The surname Alenyá comes from a village in Rosselló, the former county straddling the Pyrenees. The village is SE of Perpignan and now in the French half.
We are most grateful to Sra. Gloria López, Head of the Reference Department at the Archives of the Crown of Aragon, Barcelona, for her help with this note.
2 Magnifico amado nuestro: Aqui se han visto las informaciones que vos nos aveys
3 embiados y las que nuestro lugarteniente general nos remitio sobre lo que passo con Domin-
4 go Alenyá ministro desse officio y conforme à lo que dellas resulta le avemos
5 mandado scrivir lo que conviene. Y pues se entiende que de vuestra parte teneys
6 la quenta que se deve con el dicho nuestro lugarteniente general os encargamos que lo
7 continueys y hagays assi como de vos se confia y lo aveys acostumbrado
8 que en ello seremos servido Dato en Lisboa a ii de
9 Enero De M. D Lxxxij
10 [Signed] Yo el Rey
11 [Countersigned] V[is]t[o] Comes, [...] Talayero locumtenens protonotarii generalis V[is]t[o] Sopena R[egens]
12 V[is]t[o] Campi R[egens] V[is]t[o] Terça R[egens]
[Address on verso]
13 Amado nuestro Miguel
14 Regente el officio de la
15 real de nuestro Reyno
16 cancillería.
[In Portugese in another hand]
17 de 2 de Janeir 1582
18 pelo negocio de Domingo
19 Ala[...] notario [?]

THE KING Our beloved Magnifico: We have examined here the information you sent us and that which our Lieutenant General remitted concerning Domingo Alenyá the minister in your office and accordingly we have commanded the Lieutenant General to write appropriately. And since it is understood that, for your part, you are keeping in touch as necessary with our said Lieutenant General we charge you to continue to do so and act as has been entrusted to you and as you are accustomed, with which We shall be well served.
Given at Lisbon, the 2nd January 1582.
Seen, Comes, Treasurer General Talayero, Lieutenant General of the Protonotary Seen, Sopena, Regent Seen, Campi, Regent Seen, Terça, Regent
[Address on verso]
Our beloved Miguel, Regent of the Office of the Royal Chancellery of our Kingdom.
[In Portugese in another hand]
2nd January 1582 on the matter of [notary?] Domingo Alañ[...] (sic.)

Item Date:  1582

Stock No:  38329      £2750

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