PHILIP IV (1605-1665, King of Spain from 1621 and King Philip III of Portugal 1621-40)

Clerk Written Document in Spanish, signed with a stamped signature 'Yo El Rey' to Rodrigo de Borja Lanzol, Lieutenant and Captain General of the Kingdom of Mallorca, the King is ordering him to stop any second degree salaries payments in Mallorca until full payment, for the four years salaries pending, is done to the member of his Royal Supreme Council in charge of Royal Accounting, and the same to any other Minister member of such Council, he says "On behalf of the accountant of this supreme council I've been reported that from the three-hundred fifths which you have as consigned salary on the Royal Procuraduría of this Kingdom it's been owed more than four years, begging me to ask you not to allow the payment of another third to those who have their salaries in the same grade as him without having completely paid all the money we owe to him. And because of my appreciation to you I command you to execute this order as my accountant is begging me to do so ...", 1 side folio with papered seal on the verso, Madrid, 24th March

Philip is remembered for his patronage of the arts, including such artists as Diego Velázquez, and his rule over Spain during the Thirty Years' War.
EL Rey
Spectable Don Rodrigo de Borja Lanzol mi Lugarte y Capitan gl. Por parte del contador deste mi conso. supmo. se me ha reportado que de los trecientos quintos que tiene de salario consignados en la Procuracion R. desse Reyno sele están deviendo mas de quatro anos suplicándome sea servido de ordenaros que no se passe a pagar otra tercia a los que tienen sus salarios en el mismo grado que el sin que primero se le haya satisfecho enteramente todo lo que se le debe. Y porque lo he tenido por bien os encargo y mando que lo executeys en la conformidad que melo suplica el contador, dándoos orden para que se haga lo mismo con los demás que tuviesen su consignacion en el grado de Ministro de la Mesa de este mi Consejo en la forma que se os ha ordenado ultimam.te que del cuidado que pusieres en que se les de satisfaccion me dare mui servido. Dats Reyno de M. a XXIV de Marzo MDCLXV
Yo El Rey
The King
Respectful Don Rodrigo de Borja Lanzol my Lieutenant and Captain General. On behalf of the accountant of this supreme council I've been reported that from the three-hundred fifths which you have as consigned salary on the Royal Procuraduría of this Kingdom it's been owed more than four years, begging me to ask you not to allow the payment of another third to those who have their salaries in the same grade as him without having completely paid all –the money- we owe to him. And because of my appreciation to you I command you to execute this order as my accountant is begging me to do so, giving you order to do the same thing with the other who have your consignation in the grade of the Ministry of the board of this my Supreme Council. In the way you have been ultimately commanded and the care you will take in order -for this task- to be fulfilled, I'll be glad. Dated Kingdom of M. 24 March 1655.
I, The King.

Item Date:  1665

Stock No:  38373      £475

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