WARRANT FOR COURTS MARSHALL GEORGE (Prince of Denmark, 1653-1708, Consort of Queen Anne)

Document signed ('George') as "Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland &c ..."to Capt Robert FAIRFAX (1666-1725, Rear Admiral and Politician) in the Albemarle, where he is commanding vessels "in Spitthead and in Portsmouth Harbour" saying that as Lord High Admiral he has "power and authority to grant commissions to ... Vice Admirals ... of any Squadron of Ships to call and assemble Courts Martiall, to consist of Commander and Captains for the putting in execution certain articles and orders in the Act of Parliament made in the 13th year of King Charles the Second, entitled an Act for Establishing certain articles and Orders for the Regulating and better Governing of the Navy Shipps of Warr & Forces by Sea, and for tryal of such persons as shall offend against the same. I do therefore ... Empower you to call and assemble Courts Martial ... to enquire into and examine Crimes and Offences committed by any persons ... and to give Sentence ... on pain of Death ... and to cause such due Sentences to be executed accordingly ... you are not to try persons ... without particular direction from me , except in case of Mutiny ... Given under my hand this 10 June 1707 ...", 3 sides folio., with papered seal and revenue stamps of the Admiralty, 10th June

In March 1706 Fairfax was appointed to the Barfleur, and as commander-in-chief in the Thames and Medway. In May he was ordered round to Spithead to join Shovell, who was then preparing to carry over an expeditionary force intended to effect a descent on the coast of France. After vainly waiting for a promised Dutch squadron till the summer was passed, the fleet was forced, by a westerly gale, to take shelter in Torbay. It was detained for several weeks, and the original idea of a landing in France had to be given up. In December Fairfax, with his ship's company, was turned over to the Albemarle, and during the early part of 1707 was commander-in-chief at Portsmouth. In August he was superseded, Sir John Leake having chosen the Albemarle as his flagship.

Item Date:  1707

Stock No:  39702      £775

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