MASCAGNI (Pietro, 1863-1945, Italian Composer)

Fine long Autograph Letter Signed to his colleague and friend Teofilo De Angelis, in Italian, with translation, about the opera 'Lodoletta' saying that "the same company wants to intensify the performances, especially next week when there is the party also Wednesday; and she would like to replace Bellincioni another Sunday, which can not endure so much work. Today, Fiammingo was in Livormo; and I doubt they want to use her. In conscience, I would not be very satisfied; whereas if we were to have a good Lodoletta, I would think of that lady who was there in my house. I think it would be fast and able to make a good impression. That's why I sent you my friend Nunes, who will tell you even more. Basically, I ask him for a favour; as a colleague and friend. The lady should leave tomorrow; Friday, with the prospect of singing Lodoletta Sunday at 17h. If the girl is ready to do it, I think it will be a good thing for your career, because the chance to go immediately to La Spezia and then to other theatres can be done immediately. Currently, it is up to you, dear professor, to decide it; and I am sure he will want to interest you that my wish is exhausted. And why do not you come to Livorno with the Lady? ... Come come! This will give me a real personal favor. The friend Nunes will complete this letter written with fury. I trust you, dear De Angelis, and I'm waiting for the Lodoletta ... with the expert and passionate hunter that I have not yet been able to thank for a loving welcome ...",3 sides 4to., with original autograph envelope, Via Cavour 221, Rome, no date

Lodoletta is a lyric opera in three acts by Pietro Mascagni. The libretto is by Giovacchino Forzano, and is based on the novel Two Little Wooden Shoes by Marie Louise de la Ramée, (Ouida).

Maestro Commre Teofilo De Angelis
Via Cavour 221 Roma
Stessa impresa vuole intensificare le recite, specialmente nella prossima settimana che ha la festa anche il mercoledi; e vorrebbe un'altra domenica che sostituisse la Bellincioni, che non poù resistere a tanto lavoro. Oggi era a Livormo la fiammingo ; ed io ho il dubbio che vogliano servirsi di Lei. In coscienza, io non ne sarei molto soddisfatto; mentre, se si deve avere una buona Lodoletta, io avrei pensato a quella signora che ci fue sentire in casa mia. Io credo che sarebbe pronta e si troverebbe in condizione di fare ottima figura. È per questa ragione che io ho mandato da lei l'amico Nunes, che le dirà anche di più. In sostanza, io chiedo un favore a lei ; come collega e come amico. Bisognerebbe che la Signorina partisse domani ; Venerdì, con la prospettiva di cantare Lodoletta domenica alle 5 pomeriggio. Se la Signorina è pronta a fare questo, credo che sarà una bella cosa per la tua carriera, piochè la possibilità di andare subito a Spezia e poi in altri teatri può realizzarti immediatamente. Attualmente tocca a Lei, caro maestro, a deciderla ; ed io sono sicuro che vorrà interessarsi a che il moi desiderio sia esandito. E perchè non viene anche Lei a Livorno con la Signora ?... Venga, venga ! Mi farà un vero favore personale.
L'amico Nunes completerà a voce questa mia lettera scritta in furia.
Confido in Lei, caro De Angelis, ed aspetto la Lodoletta... coll'esperto ed appassionato cacciatore che debbo ancora ringraziare des saluto affettuoso inviatore.
Mi creda sempre il suo affezionato
P. Mascagni

Master sponsor Teofilo De Angelis
Via Cavour 221 Roma

The same company wants to intensify the performances, especially next week when there is the party also Wednesday; and she would like to replace Bellincioni another Sunday, which can not endure so much work. Today, Fiammingo was in Livormo; and I doubt they want to use her. In conscience, I would not be very satisfied; whereas if we were to have a good Lodoletta, I would think of that lady who was there in my house. I think it would be fast and able to make a good impression. That's why I sent you my friend Nunes, who will tell you even more. Basically, I ask him for a favor; as a colleague and friend. The lady should leave tomorrow; Friday, with the prospect of singing Lodoletta Sunday at 17h. If the girl is ready to do it, I think it will be a good thing for your career, because the chance to go immediately to La Spezia and then to other theaters can be done immediately. Currently, it is up to you, dear professor, to decide it; and I am sure he will want to interest you that my wish is exhausted. And why do not you come to Livorno with the Lady? ... Come come! This will give me a real personal favor.
The friend Nunes will complete this letter written with fury.
I trust you, dear De Angelis, and I'm waiting for the Lodoletta ... with the expert and passionate hunter that I have not yet been able to thank for a loving welcome.
Always believe in my affection
P. Mascagni

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Stock No:  39707      £575

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