[LIVINGSTONE (David, 1813-1873, Scottish Missionary & Explorer)]

Autograph Letter Signed by J. MOFFAT Jr headed "Livingstone" to an unnamed correspondent discussing the details of a lease on some farmland, he says "Mr Spencer says there was no mention in Messrs Cambbell, Martin & Boswell's Letter ... .of the 'very extraordinary clause' in Mr Tusk's lease, and so far as he knows there was no mention made of the clause in the papers & extracts which accompanied that letter. In any case he says the lease was arranged before ... Mr Tusk has paid his Rent, but my Father thinks he should be told to cultivate his farm according to his lease, as of course it makes a great difference to the shootings, as to Partridges etc ...", 2 sides 8vo., Rock Park, Castle Douglas, 7th December

Mary Livingstone (1821-1862) was the wife of David Livingstone. Her father, Robert Moffat, was a Scottish Congregationalist missionary who worked among the Bechuana people at Kuruman. He had 10 children so this letter must have been written by one of Mary's brothers. Presumably this refers to some land left by Livingstone and administered by the family.

Item Date:  1894

Stock No:  40236      £125

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