FORSTER (Edward Morgan, 1879-1970, Novelist & Essayist, Author of 'A Passage to India')

Fine Autograph Letter Signed ('E. M. Forster') to Sir Henry Denny thanking him for his "kind letter, and I shall be interested to hear of any developments as regards the Pageant. I fear though that my own sentiment is against any revival, while as regards the cinema-trade I can't help feeling that, as at present organised, it vulgarises whatever it touches, so that I hope that its help will be found unnecessary. These are just personal reactions, but I give them since you have been so good as to communicate with me on the matter. With kind regards to Lady Denny and yourself ...", 2 sides 8vo., together with a copy of the Pageant of Abinger programme and a note presumably by Denny that "E. M. Forster has given me a copy of his new book 'Abinger Harvest' ...", 19 Manchester Street, W1, 21st March

He is discussing his involvement with the Pageant of Abinger, together with a copy of the Pageant of Abinger programme, July 1936.

Item Date:  1936

Stock No:  40361     


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