[NICHOLAS II (1868-1918, Tsar of Russia from 1894, Assassinated after the Revolution)]

Fine original unsigned Russian postcard photo, showing the Imperial Yacht Standart, with an unrelated autograph message on the verso from Edmond to his parents telling them that they "hurried back from Odessa and arrived this morning after an excellent crossing. We'll leave tonight ... for Smyrna, because there is a matter to clarify, the Turkish forts fired on the Caucase which was leaving for France ...", 5½" x 3½", Constantinople, 8th June no year but probably around

The Standart was an Imperial Russian yacht serving Emperor Nicholas II and his family, being in her time (late 19th/early 20th century) the largest Imperial Yacht afloat. After the Russian Revolution the ship was placed in drydock until 1936, when she was converted to a minelayer. During World War II, she participated in the defence of Leningrad.
The Caucasus campaign comprised armed conflicts between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, later including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus, the German Empire, the Central Caspian Dictatorship, and the British Empire, as part of the Middle Eastern theatre during World War I.
Constantinople 8 juin
Cher parents,
Nous sommes revenus précipitamment d'Odessa et nous sommes arrivés ce matin après une excellente traversée. Nous repartons ce soir à 5 heures pour Smyrne, car il y a une affaire à éclaircir, les forts turcs ont tiré sur le Caucase qui s'en allait en France.
À bientôt des nouvelles plus longues.
Votre fils Edmond
Constantinople 8th of June
Dear Parents,
We hurried back from Odessa and arrived this morning after an excellent crossing. We'll leave tonight at 5 am for Smyrna, because there is a matter to clarify, the Turkish forts fired on the Caucase which was leaving for France.
Longer news soon.
Your son Edmond

Item Date:  1917

Stock No:  40649      £175

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