MASONIC DINNER TO CELEBRATE BROTHER ROBERT BURNS BIRTHDAY FLEMING (Sir Alexander, 1881-1955, Scottish Bacteriologist, Discoverer of Penicillin)

Menu for a Masonic Dinner Meeting of "The Scot's Lodge ... The One Hundred and Ninety-Second Anniversary of the Birth of W. Bro.Robert Burns" signed on the verso on the page with the list of the Officers, inside is the Menu "Odd Sorts or Scots Broth an' ither kinds ... The Main Coorse? ... Sweeties and Ices ... Coffee ...", with quotes instead of actual dishes, and the Toasts on the other side, 2 pages 8vo., Holburn restaurant, WC, 25th January

Fleming was knighted for his scientific achievements in 1944. In 1999, he was named in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century.

Item Date:  1951

Stock No:  40921      £475

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