Fine Autograph Letter Signed "Caroline Princesse de Galles" in French with translation to Professor Tamassini saying that the Princess is "delighted to hear of the happy delivery of Madame Tomassini, the Professor's wife, and in October, she will be delighted to have the opportunity to assure Mr. Professor of her eternal gratitude for all the marks of attention he shows to the Princess. Monsieur le Baron also asks the Princess to assure him how deeply impressed he is with the intention of the arrival of dear little Victorine who God be praised is doing well. The Princess of Wales will be twice happy to see the Professor again in his house, as Cardinal Albani will then be in Pesaro, and who spends all his time in Caprile at his home to be able to have a little leave in order to finish something for our mutual friend the Doctor Rosari. The Marquis Antaldi wrote him a second letter, having not any answer to the first one, it is to presume that the poor Rosari will never have received any letter from here. The police is so worried about him. ...", 3 sides 4to., no place, 21st August

'Monsieur le Baron' is a reference to Bartolomeo PERGAMI. In 1814 Caroline had moved to Italy, where she employed him as a servant. He soon became Caroline's closest companion, and it was widely assumed that they were lovers.
Cardinal ALBANI (Guiseppe, 1750-1834) was a Roman Catholic Cardinal.
The letter originates from a collection formed in 1903 by A. M. Broadley, author of Chats on Autographs (1910).

La Princesse de Galles a été bien charmée d'apprendre de l'heureux accouchement de Madame Tomassini l'épouse du Professeur et elle sera bien enchantée d'avoir au mois d'octobre l'occasion de vive voix d'assurer Monsieur le Professeur de sa reconnaissance éternelle pour toutes les marques d'attention il témoigne à la Princesse.
Monsieur le Baron charge aussi la Princesse de lui assurer combien il est pénétré de l'intention de l'arrivée la chère petite Victorine qui Dieu soit loué se porte bien.
La Princesse de Galles sera doublement aise de revoir le Professeur dans sa maison, comme le Cardinal Albani y sera alors à Pesaro et qui passe tout son temps à Caprile chez lui pour pouvoir avoir un petit congé afin de terminer quelque chose pour notre mutuel ami le Docteur Rosari. Le Marquis Antaldi lui a écrit une seconde lettre n'ayant pas de réponse à la première il est bien à présumer que le pauvre Rosari n'aura jamais reçu aucune lettre d'ici. Comme la police est si inquiète à son sujet.
La Princesse de Galles est, avec tous les sentiments d'estime et la plus haute considération, la sincère amie du Professeur Tomassini
Ce 21 d'Août 1818
Caroline Princesse de Galles

The Princess of Wales was delighted to hear of the happy delivery of Madame Tomassini, the Professor's wife, and in October, she will be delighted to have the opportunity to assure Mr. Professor of his eternal gratitude for all the marks of attention he shows to the Princess.
Monsieur le Baron also asks the Princess to assure him how deeply impressed he is with the intention of the arrival of dear little Victorine who God be praised is doing well.
The Princess of Wales will be twice happy to see the Professor again in his house, as Cardinal Albani will then be in Pesaro, and who spends all his time in Caprile at his home to be able to have a little leave in order to finish something for our mutual friend the Doctor Rosari. The Marquis Antaldi wrote him a second letter, having not any answer to the first one, it is to presume that the poor Rosari will never have received any letter from here. The police is so worried about him.
The Princess of Wales is, with all sincere esteem and consideration, the sincere friend of Professor Tomassini
August, 21st of 1818
Caroline Princess of Wales

Item Date:  1818

Stock No:  40997      £750

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