JAMES OF HEREFORD (Sir Henry, 1828-1911, Lawyer and Statesman, M.P. for Bury, 1st Baron)

Autograph Letter Signed to "My dear Hozier" saying he has "already promised to preside at a Conference of the Lancaster Unionists at Manchester on Saturday ... which Presidency will exhaust all my mental and physical powers ...", 2 sides 8vo., 28 Wilton Place, Belgrave Square, dated in another hand, 10th January

Sir Henry was Gladstone's Attorney-General 1873-1874 and 1880-1885, but refused the Lord Chancellorship in 1886, and became one of the most influential Liberal Unionists. He held cabinet office, 1895-1902, but remained a champion of Free Trade. He broke with Gladstone over Irish Home Rule and joined the Liberal Unionists. From 1895 to 1902 he was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Unionist ministries of Lord Salisbury and Arthur Balfour.

Item Date:  1887

Stock No:  41187      £125

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