[MAGNAN (Bernard Pierre, 1791-1865, Marshal of France)]

Unsigned Albumen carte-de-visite by Disderi showing him full length in uniform, holding his staff, 4" x 2½", no place, no date but

In June 1851 he became commander of the army in Paris in which function he was one of the principal organisers of the coup d'État of 2nd December 1851. The next year Napoléon III made him a senator and granted him the title of Marshal of France.
André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri (1819-1889) was a French photographer who started his photographic career as a daguerreotypist but gained greater fame for patenting his version of the carte de visite, a small photographic image which was mounted on a card. Disdéri, a brilliant showman, made this system of mass-production portraiture world famous.

Item Date:  1860

Stock No:  41252      £75

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