REGICIDES - THE COMMITTEE OF THE NAVY IN 1648 CORBET (Miles, 1595-1662, Regicide, Signatory of Charles I's death Warrant, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, Executed in London), Gregory CLEMENTS(1594-1660, MP and Regicide), Sir William ALLANSON (died 1656, Merchant Draper and Politician, he refused to sit in judgement on the King), James TEMPLE (1606-1680, Puritan and Soldier, Regicide) and Valentine WALTON (c.1594-1661, Politician, Regicide, Married Cromwell's Sister)

Fine Document Signed by 4 Regicides and one MP who stood with the King, addressed to Mr Bavyn by Redriffe Walls, factor for Mr Price saying "Whereas the Commissioners of the Navy have certified unto this Committee that there is a great want of pipestaves at the Victualling office for making of Casks for the use of the Navy & that the Commodity is at present verie scarce & onley to be had of one Mr Price which if not speedily contracted for, he intends to ship away for the Canaries. It is therefore Ordered that ye send Comissioners with the Victuallers of the Navy doe send for ye said Mr Price & Contract with him for ye said pipestaves for ye use of of ye Navy & Certifie their proceedings thereupon unto this Committee and in ye meane time they are to give Justice to ye Commissioners of ye Customes to stop ye transportation of ye same which they are to do accordingly ...", 2 sides folio, Committee of ye Navy, 6th February

Like all of the other 59 men who signed the death warrant for Charles I, Clements was in grave danger when Charles II of England was restored to the throne. Some of the 59 fled England but Clement went into hiding. He was discovered by a blind man, arrested, and put on trial. Although he initially pleaded innocent and remained silent while imprisoned, he eventually changed his plea and was found guilty of high treason. Clement was hanged, drawn and quartered at Charing Cross on 17th October 1660.
Temple sat as a judge at the King's trial. He was excepted from the 1660 Act of Pardon, arrested and tried but he proved evidence of service to the Royalists and escaped execution but was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Walton was one of those who were steady, real republicans, who wished to change the form of government entirely, and refused honours under Cromwell's Protectorate, who mistrusting him was obliged to have Walton watched to prevent his revolt. At the return of the Long Parliament, in derision called the Rump, Walton rose again to greater power and authority than he had possessed before the Protectorate, and having seen the fate of a nation governed by an army, he took a decided part with Parliament, in preference to the military; and they trusted to him as one of those that were to counterpoise General George Monck; but he had no political capacity for such an enterprise, and seeing, what he most feared, that the monarchy would be restored, he prudently retired to the continent, and settled at Hanau, in Germany, of which he was elected a burgess; but knowing the extreme hatred the royal family, especially the queen dowager, had to him, he left that town, and hid himself in the garb of a gardener in Flanders, and did not reveal his whereabouts until just before his death in 1661. Parliament had absolutely excepted Walton out of the Act of Indemnity, and confiscated his estate; a great part of what he had acquired belonged to the Queen, as part of her dower, had he been seized, his destruction would have been inevitable.
Corbet, like many of the 59, fled England. He went to the Netherlands where he thought he would be safe. However, with two other regicides (John Okey and John Barkstead) he was arrested by the English ambassador to the Netherlands, Sir George Downing, and returned to England under guard. After a trial, he was found guilty and then executed on 19th April 1662.
A stave is a narrow length of wood with a slightly bevelled edge to form the sides of barrels, tanks, tubs, vats and pipelines, originally handmade by coopers. They are also used in the construction of certain musical instruments with rounded bodies or backs.

Item Date:  1648

Stock No:  41647      £2275

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