PORTLAND (Third Duke of, William H. Cavendish Bentinck, 1738-1809, Prime Minister)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Wm. Sherbrooke Junior saying he has "obeyed your Commands as far as it was in my power. The Advertisement can not appear till tomorrow morning when it will be inserted in the London Courant & will be published in all the Evening Papers of that & the next day which with the insertion of it in the papers printed both at Nottingham & Leicester & a proper dispersion of Hand Bills in the different Market Towns in the County will render it sufficiently publick. You may depend upon my attendance at Ollerton & most earnest endeavours to procure as large & as Respectable a meeting as the Circumstance of the times will admit & I doubt not the exertions of every Gentleman in the Country for the same purpose by encouraging the well disposed fortifying the timid & obviating the objections of the ... & those who are adverse to this only remaining means of serving the Country. As I see unreasonable events every day I do not wonder at the Sherif'fs Refusal or the effects you apprehend from it, but depend upon the Justice & Excellence of Our Cause in conjunction with the Activity of its Supporters, but We must be active & depend upon it. Faith without Good Works is nothing worth ...", 1 side 4to., London, 6th August

Item Date:  1803

Stock No:  41667      £475

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