BUCKINGHAM (2nd Duke of, George Villiers, 1628-1687, Brought up with Charles I's children, Privy Councillor, Statesman and Poet)

Clerk Written Document Signed regarding the "Stocke of Coaches" saying that by "virtue of his Mats Lrds of Privy Seale dated the 9th day of May that you deliver and pay of such his Mats Treasure as is or shall be remaining in your charge unto ... George Duke of Buckingham Master of his Mats Horse or his assigns the sum of Foure thousand three hundred pounds ... for providing a Stocke of Coaches for his Mats use & service and for the service of his Mats Royall Consort the Queen Over and above the yearly settled allowance ..." with a note in the margin that it is to "be paid out of the additional Duty of Excise" with the signed receipt on the verso "I do hereby assign and transfer my Whole Right title and interest in this order unto Isaac Meynell and Partners of Unto their assigns ...", witnessed and dated 6th July 1671, with a further entry "we doe assign and transfer thirteen hundred pounds part of this Order to Phillip Doughty Esq & to and his Assigns ..." signed by Gilbert Whitehall and John Grymes, 2 sides folio, no place, 23rd May with the right hand margin neatly removed

George was the son of George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, favourite of James I and Charles I, and his wife Katherine Manners. He was only seven months old when his father was assassinated at Portsmouth by the renegade officer John Felton. Subsequently, he was brought up in the royal household of Charles I, together with his younger brother Francis and the King's own children, the future Charles II and James II.
After the Restoration he did regain the new King's favour and became a Gentleman of the Bedchamber but he lost his position and was imprisoned in the Tower but he was soon released. When Clarendon fell, he became the chief minister, even though he held no high office except that of Master of the Horse, bought from the Duke of Albemarle in 1668.

Item Date:  1677

Stock No:  41697      £775

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