SPY’S REPORT WRITTEN TO THE CHIEF CLERK AT BOW STREET STATION STAFFORD (John, 1766-1837, Chief Clerk at Bow Street Police Station)

Formal Letter written to Stafford regretting to “be obliged to inform him, that he has not been able to get the smallest tidings of neither his pipe, not his two doubly barel guns - vague suspicions rest... upon his servant martin... arrising from the following circumstances. When martin about april returned... and had delivered to the general jewels and other effects, the genl asked him what was become of his gold watch? He at first answered it had been stolen with other things of the generals by Capt Wellington, but when the general press’d him on the subject, telling him he would inquire of Capt Smith...” continuing at considerable length about the circumstances and his suspicions, ending that “Mrs Richardson will in the course of a day or two come to town and call herself on Mr Staffor and explain further circumstances if such occur and if thought advisable request Mr Stafford to send an officer down to Rosemau to investigate the particulars at Rosenau...”, 2 sides 4to., with integral autograph address leaf, Rosenau near Windsor, 7th August

One of Stafford’s main tasks was to recruit Home Office spies, give them their orders and to receive their reports. The Times later reported: "His sound knowledge of criminal law, his consummate skill in the framing of indictments, and his long practical acquaintance with the duties which devolved upon him, caused him very frequently to be consulted by the ablest criminal lawyers of the day." He used several spies, including John Castle and George Edwards to help arrest several members of the Spencean Philanthropists, a group who were involved in the Spa Riots and the Cato Street Conspiracy. The formation of the London Metropolitan Police force by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 brought an end to their activities.

Item Date:  1810

Stock No:  41853      £575

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