“MY MIND IS RATHER SHY AND COY” RADCLYFFE-HALL (Marguerite Antonia, 1880-1943, Novelist & Poet)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Frances, saying she is “awfully glad you liked my maiden effort at Advertisement. I too thought it rather good, and feel as pleased as I do when I have written a first class chapter. As to your ‘worrying’ me - you did not worry me at all. If I can be of the least help, please do not hesitate to enlist my services - they will always be at your disposal. So let me see the P.C.8, when they are ready send me one to look at. If any wonderful ideas occur to me I will communicate them forth with, but I don’t expect they will, unless you ask me - my mind is rather shy and coy!...”, 2 sides 8vo., 37 Holland Street, Kensington, 21st February

Between 1906 and 1936 she published five volumes of poetry, seven novels, and a number of short stories. This book for which she is best remembered - The Well of Loneliness came out in 1928 - a novel about lesbianism which won the gold medal of the Eichelbergher humane award but which was prosecuted under the Obscene Publications Act. She wrote The Unlit Lamp in 1924, A Saturday Life in 1925 and Adam’s Breed in 1926

Item Date:  1926

Stock No:  41876      £425

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