COMMISSIONERS OF THE NAVY WAGER (Admiral Sir Charles, 1666-1743, knighted for his defeat of the Spanish fleet near Carthagena in 1708), Sir Jacob ACKWORTH (1668-1748, Shipbuilder & Designer employed by the Royal Navy), Charles CORNWALL (Controller of Storekeepers’ Accounts, 1714-1716), Richard BURTON (Controller of Victualling Accounts, 1714-1717), Anthony ASHLEY COOPER (1st Baron Ashley & Earl Shaftesbury, 1621-1683, Lord Chancellor & President of the Council) and John FAWLER (Extra Commissioner)

Letter signed by the”Principall Officers & Commiss[ioners] of his Majesty’s Navy” to the Storekeeper of his Majesty’s yard at Woolwich demanding “the Boates & Cables undermentioned... on the 29th past by the Officers of Sheerness Yard for compleating the Sea Stores of his Majys Ships named in the Margine...” for the Portsmouth & Looe, the Lowestoft and the Winchelsea, ordering Longboats and Cables “These are to direct and require you to Issue the said Cordage out of his Matys Stores under your charge, and send the same to Sheerness as soon as may be, with as many of the aforesaid Boates as you can spare letting Us know what of the Said Boates you cannot send, that we may order them to be otherwise Supply’d...”, 1 side folio, Navy Office, 5th March

Sir Charles Wager was first lord of the Admiralty in Sir Robert Walpole’s ministry.

Item Date:  1715

Stock No:  41956      £475

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