ROBINSON (John Arthur Thomas, 1919-1983, Dean of Chapel, Bishop of Woolwich)

Fine Typed Letter Signed with Autograph Postscript to Aubrey Hodes concerning his review of “a book for the JOURNAL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES called GOD AS PERSON IN THE WRITINGS OF MARTIN BUBER. It provided the opportunity after a long gap of being able to read your own biography of him. I greatly enjoyed this, and found it much more interesting than the other book! I therefore sent a short notice into the J.T.S. in case they would like to publish that as well. I have no idea whether they will... but conceivably a library might take note of it. Anyhow, I enclose a copy of what I said about both... I hope sometime that we shall make contact again, and I still look forward one day to visiting Israel. I don’t know whether I told you, but I made a passing reference to your DIALOGUE WITH ISHMAEL in my CHRISTIAN FREEDOM IN A PERMISSIVE SOCIETY... in the course of a sermon there reproduced that I originally gave in the Channel Islands on ‘Liberation and Reconciliation’. If you don’t have a copy I should be happy to send you one. I don’t know also whether you ever saw my wife’s little book SEVENTEEN COME SUNDAY, which was written for our daughter Catherine for her seventeenth birthday very much under the influence of a re-reading of I AND THOU. I am grateful, if for nothing else, in your book for the letter from Buber to Gandhi. I thought it was fascinating...” with an autograph postscript “Will Israel ever learn the lesson of its history?!...”, 2 sides oblong 4to., Trinity College, Cambridge headed paper, 1st October 1971 together with an Autograph Letter Signed from Aubrey HODES sending “copies of the letters I can offer you. The prize one here is from John Robinson, the former Bishop of Southwark, whose book Honest to God created such a storm. His handwritten note at the end about Israel is very important, as he never criticised Israel publicly, but did so to me... These are the last letters I will offer you. I have lots more, but they are about my own books and also personal and I want to keep them in our family archives...”, 2 sides 8vo., no place, no date, lacking the top of the first sheet, the Robinson letter

Aubrey Hodes with the author of books about Martin Buber and Israeli Politics.

Item Date:  1971

Stock No:  41961      £75

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