THE KING ORDERS ARROWS FOR THE KEEPERS AT THEOBALDS JAMES I (1566-1625, from 1603 King of Great Britain)

Document signed, with transcription, to Sir William Uvedale, Treasurer of the King’s Chamber, for payment to John Powell “our Fletcher”, of £56 10s 8d for “212 sheafes of Arrows with Cases and girdles... for... our Guard and keepers of our Park at Theoballs [sic] for this Twentithe Yeare of our Raigne... And these shalbe your sufficient warrant and discharge... Geven under our Signett... in the twentith yeare of our Raigne of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, and of Scotland the five and fiftith”, signed also by John Powell and Robert Corke, papered seal of the Royal Arms, 1 side oblong folio, Westminster, 8th May

Theobalds House (also known as Theobalds Palace) in the parish of Cheshunt in the English county of Hertfordshire, north of London, was a significant stately home and (later) royal palace of the 16th and early 17th centuries. Set in extensive parkland, it was a residence of statesmen Lord Burghley and his son, both leading royal advisers. James I enjoyed staying so much he acquired it from the Cecil family, further extending house and park. It was a notable example of the Elizabethan prodigy house, but was demolished as a result of the English Civil War.
James R.
1 Trustie and Wellbeloved We greet you Well and Will and Comaund you forthwith uppon the Receipt hereof
2 that of o[u]r Treasure and money remayninge in yo[u]r Custodie you delyver or Cause to be deliv[er]ed unto our
3 Trustie and Welbeloved servant John Powell o[u]r Fletcher the sum[m]e of Fiftie Sixe poundes tenn shillinges
4 and eight pence, to be by him Imployed for Twoe Hundreth and twelve sheafs of Arrowes with Cases
5 and girdles thereunto belonginge for the furnishinge of o[u]r Guard and keepers of o[u]r Park at Theoballs
6 for this Twentithe Yeare of o[u]r Raigne, every sheafe rated at Fyve shillinges and fower pence
7 the peece Amountinge in all to the foresaid som[m]e of Fyftie Sixe poundes tenn shillinges and eight
8 pence, And these o[u]r letters shalbe yo[u]r sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf, Geven under
9 o[u]r Signett at o[u]r Pallace of Westm[inste]r eight day of May in the twentith yeare of our Raigne of
10 England, Fraunce, and Ireland, and of Scotland the five and fiftith.
11 To o[u]r Trustie and Welbeloved S[i]r Will[ia]m Uvedale
12 Knight Tre[asure]r of o[u]r Chamber.
13 [Signed] John Powell Robert Corke

Item Date:  1622

Stock No:  42236      £4750

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