PIUS XII (born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, 1876-1958, Pope from 1939)

Finely penned document signed, in Latin with translation, to General Manuel A. Odría, (1897-1974, Leader of the Governing Military Junta of Peru, 1948-1950, President 1950-1956), saying that His Excellency Felipe Portocarrero (Ambassador, 1949-1951), had a few days before delivered his Letters of Credence, and that “We admitted him with the honours due to his rank, and heartliy wished him a happy and fruitful mission”, trusting that relations between Peru and the Holy See, already friendly, may grow stronger, praying that “the most dear people of Peru” may earn their country’s best gratitude (‘optime mereri’), nourished and led by the Catholic Religion, and ending with his Apostolic Blessing to President and People, 2 sides 15½” x 10½” and conjugate blank, Castel Gandolfo, 30th August

Pius XII was accused of being Pro Nazi during the second World War, but he was also responsible for saving many Jewish people.
(Translation) To my Beloved Son the Illustrious and Honorable Manuel A. Odría, President of the Governing Military Junta of Peru, O Beloved Son, Illustrious and Honourable, Pope Pius XII sends greeting and Apostolic Blessing.
Not many days ago His Excellency Felipe Portocarrero delivered to Us Your letters, in which You informed Us that he had been chosen by You Envoy (‘oratorem’) Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (‘cum liberis mandatis’) to Us and the Apostolic See. As previously notified to you in the customary way, this appointment was welcome, and moreover when Your envoy brought the letters testifying to the office entrusted to him, we admitted him with the honours due to his rank, and heartily wished him a happy and fruitful mission. You may be assured that We will show him the confidence that the office committed to him demands.
Meanwhile, entirely confident that public friendly relations will not only be safely preserved, but become ever stronger, We ask Almighty God that the most dear people of Peru, who have made such progress already in civil and Christian culture, under the auspices of the catholic religion, may, nourished and led by it, earn the state’s best gratitude (‘optime mereri’),
And as a shared token of heavenly gifts and of Our goodwill, we most willingly impart Our Apostolic Blessing on both You, Beloved Son, Illustrious and Honorable, and on the whole people of Peru.
Given at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome, 30th August 1949, in the 11th of Our Pontificate.
[Signed] Pius p[a]p[a] XII

Item Date:  1949

Stock No:  42240      £875

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