HALLÉ (Lady Wilma, née Neruda, 1839-1911, Violinist, 2nd wife of Sir Charles Hallé)

Autograph Letter Signed “Wilma N. Neruda” in French to Mr M. Heymann, thanking him profusely for a painting of her son Ludvig, “the pleasure that Louis’s portrait gives me! I find it simply magnificent as a painting, the whole thing together is lovely! I just wanted to write to you today that I received it and placed it as advantageously as. possible. This painting charms me immensely! I always watch him while playing. Forgive me for only writing these few words, but I have so much to do and I’m playing at Monday Pap tonight, and I have to get dressed. I will write you another letter in a few days and tell you again how much the painting enchants me. A thousand wishes to Mrs. Heymann and your children...”, 3 sides 8vo., 20 Linden Gardens headed paper, 6th November

Wilhelmine Maria Franziska Neruda was also known as Wilma Norman-Neruda and Wilma, Lady Hallé. Neruda married Swedish musician Ludvig Norman (1831–1885) in Stockholm in 1864 and had two sons, Franz Ludvig and Felix Wilhelm Waldemar. She later married the German-English pianist and conductor Charles Hallé (1819–1895) in 1888. Following his death the British government gifted Lady Hallé a Palazzo in Asolo, Italy, where she moved to live with her son, Ludvig, who was an alpinist. Tragically, Ludvig died in a climbing accident in 1898 in the Dolomites.
6 novembre 1882. 20, Linden Gardens. Bayswater, W.
Mon cher Monsieur Heymann. De tout mon cœur je vous remercie pour le plaisir que me fait le portrait de Louis ! Je le trouve tout simplement magnifique comme tableau, le tout ensemble est ravissant ! Je voulais seulement vous écrire aujourd'hui que je l’ai reçu que nous l’avons placé aussi avantageusement que possible. Ce tableau me charme énormément ! En jouant je le regarde toujours. Pardonnez-moi que je ne vous écris que ces quelques mots, mais j’ai tant à faire et je joue ce soir au Monday Pap, et il faut aller m’habiller. Je vous écrirai dans quelques jours une autre lettre et vous dirai encore combien le tableau m’enchante. Mille choses à Madame Heymann et à vos enfants. Je vous serre la main de tout mon cœur. Wilma N Neruda
November 6, 1882. 20, Linden Gardens. Bayswater, W.
My dear Mr Heymann With all my heart I thank you for the pleasure that Louis’s portrait gives me! I find it simply magnificent as a painting, the whole thing together is lovely! I just wanted to write to you today that I received it and placed it as advantageously as. possible. This painting charms me immensely! I always watch him while playing. Forgive me for only writing these few words, but I have so much to do and I’m playing at Monday Pap tonight, and I have to get dressed. I will write you another letter in a few days and tell you again how much the painting enchants me. A thousand wishes to Mrs. Heymann and your children. I shake your hand with all my heart. Wilma N Neruda

Item Date:  1882

Stock No:  42308      £125

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