Document Signed at the head  ‘Charles P’ as Prince of Wales,  (aged 21), with transcription, addressed to his Receiver General, Sir Adam NEWTON (died1630, formerly secretary to Charles’s brother Henry, Prince of Wales, from 1620 1st Baronet), asking him to pay “out of the Treasure of our Revenue remayninge in your Custodie to deliver and pay to our right ttrustie and welbeloved Spencer Lord Compton Master of the Wardrobe and Roabes the somme of three thousand pounds being for the expenses of and for the provisions for our next running at Tilte accordinge as wee have or shall direct and for which somme he the said Lord Compton is to be accomptable taking an acqittance under his hand testifying the receipt of the said Somme and this our Letter of privy Seale together with the said aquittance shall be a sufficient warrant and discharge as well unto you for payment thereof as also to our Receavour Generall and other our officers and ministers whom it may concerne and to give allowance of the same upon your next accompt...”, 1 side oblong 4to., Court at St James, 6th March considerably damaged but with a fine signature at the head

Jousting, also called "tilting at the ring" or "running at the ring", was very popular in England and on the continent of Europe in the 17th century. Charles succeeded to the throne on 27 March 1625.
Charles I, King of England (1600-1649) Document Signed, document signed as Prince of Wales, dated March, 1621, to Sir Adam Newton, Treasurer and "Receaviour General" making instructions for a payment from the Treasure of the Revenue to "Spencer Lord Compton, Master of the Wardrobe and Roabes" for the next "running at Tilte," signed "Charles P" at head, on paper laid on card (with typed and matted transcription).
[Signed] Charles P
Charles Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Yorke and Earle of Chester To our trustye and welbeloved Adam Newton Kt and Baronett our Treasurer and Receavour Generall greetinge. We will and require you out of the Treasure of our Revenue remayninge in your Custodie to deliver and pay to our right ttrustie and welbeloved Spencer Lord Compton Master of the Wardrobe and Roabes the somme of three thousand pounds being for the expenses of and for the provisions for our next running at Tilte accordinge as wee have or shall direct and for which somme he the said Lord Compton is to be accomptable taking an acqittance under his hand testifying the receipt of the said Somme and this our Letter of privy Seale together with the said aquittance shall be a sufficient warrant and discharge as well unto you for payment thereof as also to our Receavour Generall and other our officers and ministers whom it may concerne and to give allowance of the same upon your next accompt. Given under our privy Seale at our Court of St James the seaventh day of March in the Neyneteenth yeare of the reigne of our dear Lord & father Kinge James of England, France & Ireland the seaventeenth and of Scotland March sixth 1621

Item Date:  1621

Stock No:  42340      £3250

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