Unsigned Printed Bond for 2000 German Reichsmarks Imperial Government of Russia 4% State Loan of 1902 bond, issued by virtue of the Imperial Ukase of the 1st March 1902 to realise the contribution due to Russia in compensation for the “loses incurred in consequence of the Chinese disorders...”, (the Boxer Rebellion “the annual payments to exactly correspond with the annual payments of interest and amortisation of the part of the contribution due to Russia, which China engaged to pay, in virtue of the Edict of the Chinese Empoer of of the 29th May 1901...”, folio,

A consortium of Russian, German and Dutch banking and financial institutions were involved in the administration of this loan and payment of interest against coupons was paid from 18th June-1st July and from 19th December-1st January at various locations. An interesting anomaly is the denomination of the bond which is stated in Reichsmarks. The Reichsmark was not formally adopted as the German currency until 1924. The bonds were negotiable and accepted as security for Government contracts, for deferred excise duties, and for payment of customs duties at prices to be fixed half-yearly which would be not less than 90% of the face value of the bonds.
The Boxer Rebellion in China had been followed by the combined military expedition of the powers to the Relief of Peking (in which the US shared) and the exaction of a huge indemnity, of which the States relinquished nearly half of its share, as in excess of the actual losses. The US protested against Russian demands upon China, and actively participated in the negotiations which resulted in Russia’s agreement to evacuate Manchuria. Russian delays and their policy have led Japan to declare war, Secretary of State Hay’s diplomacy was influential in limiting the zone of hostilities and the good offices of President Theodore Roosevelt brought about the conference between the two powers at Portsmouth N.H. which terminated hostilities.

Item Date:  1902

Stock No:  42351      £75

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